
Tyumen region Duma

27 July, Saturday

Status and Principles of Work of the Tyumen Regional Duma

The Tyumen Regional Duma is a continuing highest and only body of legislative power in the Tyumen region.

The Regional Duma implements legal (legislative) regulation in the region within the scope of authority, stated by the Constitution of Russian Federation, according to the regulatory legal acts of Russian Federation, the Statute of Tyumen Region, regulatory legal acts of Tyumen region, agreements with the bodies of state power of Russian Federation, the bodies of state power of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Yugra and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, and other subjects of Russian Federation.

The principles of work of the Regional Duma

The Regional Duma acts on the principles of:

a) priority of rights and freedoms of people and citizens, legality, democracy, publicity, collectivity and responsibility for decisions;

b) the state and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and Tyumen Region;

c) the supremacy of the Constitution of Russian Federation and federal acts in the region;

d) spread of sovereignty of Russian Federation over the territory of the Tyumen Region;

e) unity of the system of state power of Russian Federation and state power of the Tyumen Region;

f) separation of the state power of the region into legislative, executive, and judiciary powers with the aim to balance the powers and exclude concentration of all or the majority of powers within the authority of one governmental body or designated person;

g) independence in decision-making concerning organizational, legislative, informational, financial, material, technical and economical support of its work;

h) independent implementation of powers by bodies of local self-government ;

i) division of jurisdiction and powers between the bodies of state power of Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of the Tyumen Region.